This police dog shared an emotional goodbye with his handler.
Dogs Have Emotions and They Adore Their Owners—Just Look Into Those Eyes!

Animals experience affection and love just like humans do. This dog is living proof!
The loyalty they have towards their partners is unparalleled. They are always there to serve and protect us, and even after their duty is done, they continue to spend time with their owners’ families.
We hope he can stay with his beloved family.
Jorge Baeza worked as a trainer in the Carabineros dog training unit in Santiago, Chile, where he trained various dogs. In 2013, he met Jerjes, a truly special dog, and they quickly formed a strong friendship.

Their bond surpassed that of a typical trainer and police dog!
They shared genuine feelings for each other, making it heartbreaking when Baeza was killed in a terrible car accident on his way to visit his grandparents on December 16th this year. Jerjes’ heart was shattered!

A colleague brought Jerjes to Baeza’s funeral without hesitation. The presence of this special dog deeply moved all of his relatives.
Jerjes approached the coffin to deliver an unexpected and emotional farewell to his friend and mentor, Jorge Baeza.
To bid his final goodbye to his mentor, Jerjes stood on his hind legs with his front paws gently touching the coffin—a dignified pose he learned from Baeza.

Eduardo Ortega, who attended the funeral and shared this emotional photo, said: “I believe it is important to share this photo. Today, we said goodbye to a fellow soldier’s remains. Jorge Baeza was not only a dedicated dog trainer but also a beloved friend to his colleagues in Santiago who came to honor his devoted pet.”
May he watch over Jerjes and keep him safe and protected in Heaven. Love, dedication, and loyalty are the beautiful qualities of a dog. Jerjes will deeply miss his handler.