Girl Insists on Holding the Leash During Walks with Her Deaf-Blind Dog
We’ve all seen how affectionate dogs can be. Dogs are the closest non-human species we have that we can truly call friends. Aside from their courage, loyalty, and compassion, dogs are incredibly sensitive to human emotions and physiological changes.woof black dog balto nom nom dog food wet dog food sniffspot dog food doga

Echo’s beauty was overlooked when she was born. Most obnoxious pet owners would never want to have a deaf and blind dog. Thus, my adorable white Great Dane puppy was abandoned at a kill shelter to be euthanized when he was 12 weeks old.

But a woman named Marion Dwyer saved her at the last minute. It took Marion some time to realize how much of a burden she had taken on by rescuing a puppy who couldn’t see or hear.woof black dog balto nom nom dog food wet dog food sniffspot dog food doga
Marion named the puppy “Echo” and took her home to Niagara, New York, despite the puppy’s lack of sight and hearing. Echo most likely knew she was finally safe and in her forever home because she was starting to transform into a beautiful dog.

Everyone who visited Marion often fell in love with Echo because of her incredibly warm and fun personality. However, Marion soon realizes small changes in Echo’s behavior.woof black dog balto nom nom dog food wet dog food sniffspot dog food doga
Marion finally realizes why Echo is acting strangely after she finds out she is pregnant. Marion claimed that Echo became very protective of her and would hover around her often when she was alone. Long before Marion knew she was pregnant, Echo began cuddling around her belly.
Marion went into labor at the last minute, so the cuddling and sheltering continued. Everyone in the room could see that Echo’s restraints had in no way weakened her ability to protect Marion and the unborn human within her.

Echo adapted to news of a new family member in less than a day. From the moment she entered the world, she happily took on the role of older sister to Marion’s daughter.woof black dog balto nom nom dog food wet dog food sniffspot dog food doga
Baby Jennie was so in sync with Echo that she became her best friend and little sister from the moment she was born. A Great Dane’s size could intimidate a normal-sized human, but that was never the case for Jenny.
Marion claims she couldn’t have a better dog than Echo. Although Echo is unable to interact with the outside world like a normal dog, she is extremely sensitive and cautious towards Jenny and never stops guarding or protecting her.
Baby Jenny and Echo do everything together, except communicate in their hidden language. This involves walking together. Recently, a video of Jennie and Echo taking an evening walk in the neighborhood went viral.

Neither Jenny’s small size nor Echo’s blindness and deafness seemed to hinder their progress along the walkway. According to Marion, Echo always walks with Jenny on the safest side of the walkway and never pulls on the leash or runs away from her. Since Jenny started echo walking at about 14 months old, her legendary evening walks have become very popular in the neighborhood. This is clear evidence of the great love and close friendship between humans and dogs.
Episodes like this serve as a reminder that dogs are not disposable commodities or trophies to be displayed. Like humans, they are sentient beings capable of living, loving, and caring.woof black dog balto nom nom dog food wet dog food sniffspot dog food doga