Mother Goose Looks After 47 Babies, Ensuring Their Safety
That’s truly exceptional. Well done, Mother Goose!!!!

It’s amazing how she maintains complete control without any issues. Mother Nature at her finest.
It’s wonderful to see all of them lined up behind Mother Goose.
Mother of the Year! She appears to be managing a kindergarten full of goslings!
Digout, a resident of Saskatoon, Canada, stumbled upon the goose family while on the banks of the Saskatchewan River. Initially intending to photograph beavers, the sight of this extraordinary family caught his attention.
This devoted Canadian goose is tending to a large brood of 16 baby geese!

Digout started visiting the river every night to observe this remarkable family. The growing number of geese was so captivating that no one could look away. With each encounter, the flock seemed to expand, and one night the number of goslings surged from an impressive 16 to an astonishing 47!
Digout captured the stunning image of the goslings following their mother in the water and shared photos of the magnificent mother goose and her numerous babies on Facebook.

The high number of chicks is due to a phenomenon called “gang brooding,” where two or more pairs of geese parents merge their families to raise the goslings collectively.
This arrangement means that the mother goose is essentially overseeing a large group of goslings while the parent geese take a break. You could say she is managing a nursery!

The goslings adore cuddling under their mother, often sleeping in a large, cozy pile together like one big happy family! The mother goose will nurture them until they are mature enough to disperse and form their own families.
It’s clear that handling such a large and playful group of young geese is no easy task!

Nature is incredible

Geese make amazing parents!

That’s A TON of babies!!

What an amazing mother

The mother goose is not only a fantastic momma but also a superwoman! Truly a Super Mom! It highlights the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Bless the soul of this Mother Goose!